Monday, February 13, 2012

Rare Mondays and new items

The rare item for this Rare Monday is a Medusa Mask, wow I sure was surprised to see these.

The new valentines item is a Heart Antennae Headband, your not going to catch Hank wearing one of those.

And the new flag is Dominican Republic.

And here's a bit more Dodger artwork I whipped up.

Want to see some more Dodger drawings? 
Click here!

1 comment:

  1. :O you should totally try watching faunas revenge!! thats probably my most fav animal jam video so far so AWESOME!!!! :D medusa is in it and shes the green red looking bunny the video has parts in it and its a really cool video! if you watched it already.. nevermind about it, ok? and watch the faunas revenge cocoa! lol it made me win my cocoa achievement :) -rainbowdangerdoo


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