Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Locked den glitch

As you can see I am friends with this jammer, but his den is locked for me?

This is a annoying glitch, or should I say bug.


  1. lol omg it me XD
    ilovepluto or iloveplutobff ps i have 2 accounts

  2. Freakeh.. Allthough I think it happened to me b4. :P
    -btw I'm Allicat02

  3. XD that has happened to me twice now :P

    PS My user is Meghan8253 IM NOW A MEM :D


Hello! The Flying Squirrel Tiggie is happy to see you!

Before commenting, there are some rules you must follow...
Do not post anything mean, can you follow that rule? Good!
If you do not follow that rule, you will make the Flying Squirrel Tiggie angry, ROOOAAAR!

Comments make the Flying Squirrel Tiggie happy, Comment a lot to make him happy...a bowl of noodles is nice too.

IMPORTANT WARNING: Do not, and I repeat DO NOT eat noodles or play checkers in front of the Flying Squirrel Tiggie. Otherwise, beware of flying spinach paste!
~Safety Management

Do not play with noodles or eat checkers in front of the Flying Squirrel Tiggie either! Or spinach paste is in your future.

~Safety Management